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Film Designer, Artist, Space designer, Catalyst,

Visual Jockey, Urban designer, wind catcher, Production designer. o

1981 Born in Kerala, India. 

Grew up witnessing Bombay turn into Mumbai.

Has a secret desire to climb billboards.

1997 - Learnt how to use rifles

2001 - went for her first Sailing -World Racing Championship

2002 - witnessed the Gujrat Riots

2004 - Almost considered a pastoral life in Kutch, Gujarat

2007 - Founded "The Wall Project"

In 2009, CNN GO – voted her on The Mumbai Hot List: 20 people to watch.

2010 - Experienced her first Gale Storm in the Arabian Sea

 2012, Lived in Russia

2013, Learnt to snowboard

 2016, did a solo road trip in Srilanka

2018, gave a TEDx talk

2018, founded Algorave India

2018, hosted FAT FINGER MAYHEM

2019, Sailed from Mumbai to Srilanka

2020, became a dog Mom

2021, Became a Martian

2023, Greater Than> Lesser Than

2023, Sailing TP52 super series in Australia on S/V'Denali'

2023, Sailed from Azores to Southampton on S/V 'Maiden'

2023, Joined Team Maiden & Sailed Hamble - London - Hamble

2023, Sailed Cape Town - New Zealand on S/Y Maiden

2024, Team Maiden wins Ocean Globe Race 2023-24


For other info - check the website menu.

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